Wolverine: The End

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n Wolverine: The End, purporting to be Wolverine’s last adventure, Logan is an old man living in the Canadian wilderness. His only friend is a sixty-one year old man called George, who has been getting him groceries since he was a child. Logan knows that, despite his healing factor, he will die soon. He doubts his own sanity and his memories, including the Weapon X program. This doubt is exacerbated by the spirit of Professor X, who lives on (in diminished capacity) in Logan’s mind. Check out the Plot


One day, Wolverine is invited to the funeral of Victor Creed, also known as Sabretooth. After denouncing Sabretooth’s faith in God as a fear of death, Wolverine receives a letter from Creed’s attorney. He has George drive him to an ancient and destitute mansion in Alberta. After quickly walking through the mansion, George notices that a crest above the fireplace is the same as on the letter given to him by Creed. Wolverine finds the grave of John Howlett and a book entitled Ghosts of Japan: Lost Rituals of the Kanaguri. Someone had left the book on the grave earlier that day, knowing that Wolverine had lived both in Japan and in that region of Alberta. Paranoid, Wolverine goes to a port on the West Coast and stows away on a ship headed for Japan. Before he leaves, he has George go back to his home, asking him to check a stack of magazines in his cabin, saying “one of them ain’t right. It ain’t…me, if ya follow”.

While working as a galley assistant on the voyage to Japan, Logan reads Lost Rituals of the Kanaguri, and learns that it is a factual account of a supposedly extinct evil Shinto sect. When he arrives at his destination, he breaks up a Kanaguri ritual. He asks the participants if they are working for Weapon X. The leader of the group declares his allegiance to the White Ghost, before being killed by a shadowy figure. Logan follows the figure up the mountain, where he is attacked and left for dead. The White Ghost says, “I could have killed you, old man. Any time in the last two hundred years, I could have killed you.” Logan loses consciousness.

Back in Canada, George sifts through the magazines. Among Popular Mechanics and Custom Bikes, he finds an issue of Wine Lover. George recognizes the title is an anagram of “Wolverine”. A note in the magazine gives George the login information to access Logan’s computer. George finds instructions from Wolverine and is given the location of a large amount of cash, which he is to use to purchase a list of items. He is told to keep whatever money is left over as a tip (a joke that refers to a conversation in the first issue of the series, in which George complains that in fifty years of grocery deliveries, Logan has never given him a tip).

In Japan, Logan awakes. He discovers that the White Ghost is none other than John Howlett Jr., his brother, presumed dead during Logan’s childhood. He is a mutant, with Logan’s bone claws and healing factor, but also the power of intangibility (similar to Shadowcat). He used these in a successful career as a spy, which in combination with his share of the Howlett fortune, has made him rich. He became involved in the Weapon X program, and watched Logan all through his life. He promises to tell Logan everything as soon as he completes his scheme: to teleport an atomic weapon into the atmosphere over Las Vegas. With this act, the American economy will collapse, and mutants will ascend in the resulting chaos. They struggle, falling out of a window. As they land, John is impaled on Logan’s claws. With his dying breath, he tells Logan he’s sorry that he doesn’t have enough time to tell him about Rose. John dies in Logan’s arms, just as Japanese attack helicopters arrive with orders to destroy the compound and all its occupants, Logan included.

It should be pointed out that Wolverine: The End is not canon. It depicts a possible reality/timeline and isn’t part of the mainstream Marvel Universe.


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